*Originally posted June 6, 2015 on Fab . Fit . Me*
By the time you read this, I will have already entered my 35th week of pregnancy. Can't give ya an update of what my 34th week was like until I've actually finished the week, now can I ;-) ?
What Is Baby P Up To This Week?
Baby P is now about the size of a cantaloupe weighing about 4.75 lbs and measuring at approximately 18 inches long
Fat layers - which will help Baby P's body temperature after birth - are filling her out, making her rounder.
Baby P's skin is also smoother than ever!
Her central nervous system is maturing and her lungs are continuing to mature as well.
It's good to know that babies born between 34 and 37 weeks who have no other health problems generally do fine but may have to stay in the neonatal nursery for a short time. But Baby P better stay in till at least 37 weeks!
What's Been Happening With Me This Week
Weight Gained: We'll know at my 36 week checkup! I don't want to step on the scale especially after indulging over the weekend. With the baby shower and all... yeah there was a lot of eating involved.
Workouts: You'll be happy to know I snuck in a couple of strength training workouts to prep for my photo shoot and baby shower. Yup, pretty vain. But whatevs... I wanted to make sure I looked good (despite feeling like a cow) for the pics that were gonna be taken over the weekend!!!
The newest symptoms:
mild swelling of ankles and feet - being on my feet all day has its perks (note the sarcasm)! I have been drinking water like crazy to help keep the water retention down but I guess that's just not enough. I really, really hope it doesn't turn into full blown edema.
TMI alert! But there has definitely been an increase in vaginal discharge. I told you TMI!
The old symptoms:
backaches - surprisingly enough, not as bad as before. I'll take it!
exhaustion (surprise, surprise)
Shortness of breath
Aches in the legs that forces me to waddle
frequent potty breaks
Food Aversions: None!
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular. I mean maybe sweets? But nothing specific really.
Sleep: Can't complain! I'm not uncomfortable and am able to sleep through the night. Even with the frequent bathroom visits, I'm able to just fall right back to sleep.
Any Baby/Pregnancy Related Purchases? Not this week. But we will be breaking the bank in a couple of weeks for sure. Gotta get ready for Baby P's arrival!!!! But we did get a lot of stuff at our baby shower!!! Baby P got a lot of clothes, diapers, and wipeys.
Stretch Marks? And the belly is still completely stretch mark free! Yay!
Miss Anything? Sometimes I really miss Fab Fit Jane... but for the most part, I'm really loving being the mama-to-be to Baby P. Watching the belly grow to the size it is now has been such an amazing experience and I fall in love with her more and more every day. I would not change this experience for the world. I know I will get back to Fab Fit Jane again one day... but right now, I'm just enjoying the ride.
Belly Button In or Out? Out. It's just out.
Wedding Rings On or Off? And the diamonds have finally come off! With the heat that rolled through SoCal over the weekend, I think my body just decided to swell a little all over. I usually take my rings off when I shower so the night after our baby shower, I noticed my rings did not come off as easily as it normally did. And I don't want them to get stuck on my finger especially when I go to the hospital for that BIG DAY... so I finally decided to keep them off. And boy do I feel naked without them on.
Happy or Moody Most of the Time? Happy, happy, happy!!!
Any Movements? The usual kicks and jabs... but a lot more rolling, twisting, and turning. Sometimes the movements hurt. Like a lot. Especially when it happens near the lady parts. I feel a lot of movement when I'm sitting down. I'm guessing it's because the sitting position minimizes space in the belly and she doesn't like to feel cramped...so she moves around like crazy.
Fun and/or Interesting Things From The Week: Yes! Let's start with the maternity photo shoot. I had originally planned to get these photos done at around 28 weeks but some things came up and financially, it seemed completely out of the question. So I kinda just put the whole idea on the back burner because the thought of not doing the photo shoot got me all depressed. But somewhere around my 30 week mark, we decided to just do it. I mean, we'll never get this chance ever again, you know? So I contacted the photographer I finally chose (that's a whole 'nother story - I just could NOT make up my mind) and booked an appointment that worked with the hub's and my schedules. Turns out that she was booked up until my 34th week... the week my belly is like the biggest EVER! Note to self: For baby #2's maternity shoot... BOOK IT FOR MY 25-30 WEEK MARK K? Anyway, the photo shoot was a lot of fun! We went to the photographer's studio and did some intimate/romantic shots there. Then we walked around Claremont Village and got some great outdoor shots as well. We were really happy with the overall experience and we CANNOT wait to have Baby P's newborn pics taken once she's here. Here's a behind-the-scenes pic the hubs snuck in while he waited for his turn at being in front of the camera.
Now let's talk BABY SHOWER!!!! It was PERFECT!!! My sisters-in-law planned the whole thing. The only input I had with the whole thing was the theme and the color scheme. I wanted an Enchanted Garden theme and the Hubs wanted to incorporate Books into the mix... so it became an Enchanted Garden fused with Fairytale Storybook elements and it was just perfect. It was a co-ed baby shower and all of our closest family (my Hawaii family was unable to attend) and friends in attendance and it just turned out to be awesome. It wasn't your typical baby shower... it was more of like a "kick back" type of gathering.
Here are some pics:
Looking Forward To: Shopping for the rest of the things we need for Baby P!!! Now that the baby shower has come and gone and we have some inventory, we can go through our list of 'must haves' and check off what we got and make plans to go shopping for the rest! Oooooo this is gonna be fun! ;-)