*Originally posted June 18, 2017 on Fab . Fit . Me*
Okay, so my turnover days fall on Wednesdays. Which means Wednesday is the start of my new week. And the day my 25th week started, I had a doctor's appointment that was non-pregnancy related. Remember back in the day before I got prego? I was dealing with thyroid issues. Not sure if I went into detail about it in the past but long story short, I found a lump in my neck. Turned out to be nodules. After about almost a year of testing (3 tests to be exact because the first 2 were inconclusive) it turned out to be benign. But for some odd reason, with both pregnancies, they've grown. And then I have to go in for biopsies to check it all out again. I've been told that benign nodules rarely turn malignant but it's still better to check things out anyway. It's a little scary to think about cancer when you're pregnant, but I'm always doing my best to stay positive. Anyway, I won't get the results for probably another week or 2 so I'll keep you updated on that.
That same day, I also went in to get blood work done. It's glucose time again! Yup, drinking that yucky orange stuff and getting poked is never any fun but it comes with being prego. I mean, this stuff is the easy stuff, right? When you're comparing it to childbirth and parenting... it's a piece of cake!!!
And the results? Well... let's just say the numbers didn't quite fall in the "standard range." My test results online shows that my numbers are a little bit higher than the normal bracket. But it could also be because I seriously forgot I had planned to take the glucose test and wasn't thinking (pregnancy brain at its best) and I did not eat my best that day. After my thyroid appointment, I indulged a little and had some yummy Mexican food. And, don't ask me why, but I also had some soda. I'm not much of a soda drinker...but Baby P wanted soda. So she got soda. And by the time I remembered about the glucose test, it was too late. I had already consumed it. Now, you're probably thinkin' "why in the world did you not fast for this test?" Well, my doctor said it wasn't required for this 1-hour test and actually encouraged I eat as normal. So anyway, I'm blaming the high sugar levels on the soda and I'm hoping and praying it really isn't gestational diabetes. I will need to go in for the 3-hour test to confirm for sure. Yuck. Not looking forward to it AT ALL.
Okay, onto my weekly update...
25 Weeks
If you're wondering why my lil photobomber isn't in the pic with me, it's because she went off to spend the next 2 weeks with her grandma. And I'm not gonna apologize for looking yucky in these photos. Taking my update photos aren't high up on my priority list most days so I usually end up taking them when I'm in between chores or when I'm about to start getting ready for bed. So there. That's my story.
What is up with Baby P #2 this week?
Baby P #2 is now about 13 1/2 inches and weighs about 1 1/2 lbs. She's about the size of a rutabaga or a cauliflower.
She's starting to gain some baby fat, and her wrinkled skin will begin to smooth out and start to look more and more like a newborn.
She's also growing more hair
What's been happening with ME this week?
Weight Gained: When they checked my weight at my thyroid appointment, I think I gained ounces. Can't recall the exact number but it was close enough to a pound from my prenatal appointment the week before.
Workouts: I intended to work out but I have been so tired and busy that I just could not muster up the energy to do a dang thing.
Lower Backache - especially from sitting in traffic
Frequent trips to the bathroom.
Lots of bloating happening
Major mood swings
Mild heartburn
Food Aversions: none
Food Cravings: uh, the obvious as mentioned in my little story at the start of this post... soda! I was also craving my fave pastry from Starbucks - the cinnamon swirl coffee cake. But the Starbucks at work was out of it all week. Made me sad. But then towards the weekend, I started to crave fruit. Ice cold fruit. So we bought some grapefruit. And pineapple. Which I plan to have with some cottage cheese. Mmmmm.
Sleep: It wasn't the greatest but I can't complain. Any sleep is better than no sleep, right? The hubby graduated over the weekend and then Ella left to go spend the next 2 weeks with her grandma up in Tahoe, so we weren't able to sleep in like we normally would. But hey, we got to sleep a little.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? I bought a new top. For me. But it made me look like a whale. In pictures. I thought I looked fine in the mirror but once the pictures surfaced, I was not very pleased with how big I looked.
Stretch Marks: no new ones have appeared...but I fear it may happen soon. The area around my belly button is starting to itch. No bueno.
Miss Anything?: After seeing how big I look and hearing people say how pregnant I look... I'm really missing being in shape and looking cute in anything I wear. *sigh* One day....
Belly Button In or Out? OUT
Wedding Rings On or Off? On!
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? Moody. Definitely moody. Maybe because the weather's getting hot? Who knows. I just know that everyone has been getting on my damn nerves. And I mean EVERYONE.
Any Movement? Yep. All the time.
Fun and/or Interesting Things from the Week? Hubby graduated! Last time I was pregnant, he received his Bachelor's. This time? His Master's Degree. Super proud wifey over here!!!
We thought it would be cute to try and re-create the pose we took 2 years ago at the hubby's Bachelor's graduation ceremony. And we really did try. But Ella wasn't exactly interested in cooperating with us in this moment. So this is the best we could do.
Looking Forward To? Since the baby is away, I'm looking forward to nesting as much as I can. Decluttering our space, organizing, and just getting ready for Baby P #2. I'm hoping to maybe even start planning the baby shower... we'll see.