My life at home with 2 kids can get pretty crazy busy. Which makes it difficult to find time for myself. I have admitted before that I kinda lost myself to motherhood after having my babies. And it's even harder now that I'm a stay-at-home mom. So I have been trying to get back into the habit of practicing self-care more regularly -- like waking up a little earlier to get a good workout in or occasionally putting on a pretty dress and doing my hair + makeup just so I can feel a bit like I haven't completely lost who I was pre-baby.
One thing that I have recently decided to try is teeth whitening. I have never had my teeth whitened before but it's something I've always wanted to have done because my teeth has definitely stained over the years and has made me a little insecure especially when it comes to taking pictures -- I blame my love for coffee and almost 2 decades of drinking it daily. But who has the time to sit in the dental office for hours to get this process done? Definitely NOT me.
So, as you can imagine I was super excited when Smile Brilliant reached out to me and asked if I was interested in trying out their teeth whitening kit! Their whitening process takes about 45 minutes a day and can be left in for up to 3 hours. It still sounds like a HUGE chunk of my day but the fact that I could do it AT home while doing all the mom things was a major WIN for me. They recommended that I do this every night before bedtime as part of my routine -- which I did implement. But I loved that I could do it at any time of the day, even when I'm playing with my babies or doing chores.
If you were wondering, this is what comes in the kit: the molding paste to make your teeth impressions, tubes of whitening gel and desensitizing gel, and detailed instructions on how to make your teeth impressions, as well as instructions on the whitening process. On average, you will see results after 7-14 daily applications. It took me a little longer than usual to complete my whitening process because I experienced some teeth sensitivity within the first couple of days, so instead of applying the the whitening gel for 14 consecutive days, I did it every other day. And the in-between days, I would only apply the desensitizing gel to help with the sensitivity issue.
My overall experience with Smile Brilliant has been amazing. Their kit is very easy to use and if I had any questions or concerns, they were there to help me every step of the way. I am also very pleased with the results. At first, I didn't think it was really working but my husband was the first to really notice the difference. My teeth have definitely whitened some and the staining is not as noticeable which makes me feel much more confident to smile BIG and fearlessly for the cameras and...just because. Check out the results!
Oh and guess what?! Smile Brilliant has decided to give away ONE teeth whitening kit to one of YOU! How awesome is that?! All you have to do is click here to fill out the entry form. But if you're kinda impatient (like I am) and want your whitening kit NOW, you can always use my code "thatplainjanelife15" for 15% off your entire purchase!
Also be sure to follow both Smile Brilliant (@smilebrilliant) and me (@thatplainjanelife) on Instagram and tag/share with your friends who would also love a chance to win!
Do you or have you ever whitened your teeth? Have you tried Smile Brilliant? If not, would you be willing to give it a try? Tell me your thoughts in the comments below!!!
Disclosure: This is sponsored by Smile Brilliant. I have been compensated to create this post, however all opinions are my own. I only recommend products I’ve personally used and love! This post may contain affiliate links that earn me a small commission, at no additional cost to you.Â