*Originally posted August 31, 2017 on Fab . Fit . Me*
SoCal is going through a major heat wave right now and being prego and trying to look cute in this heat can be very difficult for me. When I'm at home, I just wanna lounge around in nothing but my undies and a tank. So this week's update photo is a rare one! (no it's not in the partial nude as just described lol). I had a birthday dinner over the weekend so I actually look sort of decent!!!
35 Weeks
What is up with Baby P #2 this week?
Baby P doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and weighs more than 5 1/4 lbs - about the size of a honeydew melon!
She is probably not doing somersaults anymore but the number of kicks should remain the same.
Her kidneys are fully developed now and her liver can process some waste products.
Most of her basic physical development is now complete and she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
What's been happening with ME this week?
Weight Gained: not quite sure but I'm afraid to find out... needless to say I've been eating a lot. What can I say? I don't plan on being pregnant again so I've decided to just give in to my cravings and indulge. Because I am determined to get my bod back into pre-1st baby shape ASAP.
Workouts: Ha! Waiting to hit those weights postpartum for sure!!!
lower back aches when I'm sitting for too long or when I'm laying in bed
major cankles and chubby fingers!
Food Aversions: anything greasy! I'll eat it and then immediately regret it afterwards.
Food Cravings: donuts!!!! My boss was nice enough to buy us some donuts on Friday. It was sooooo yum. And beer. Ice. Cold. Beer.
Sleep: Not bad...even with the frequent trips to the bathroom and lower backpain... I've been getting adequate sleep at night. And even when I nap with Ella.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? yes!!! totally saw these and had to have them...
Aren't they super cute?! I can't wait for Baby P #2 to use them!!!
Stretch Marks: I'm pretty sure there will be a lot more new ones. I'll be able to assess the damage once I pop this baby out.
Miss Anything?: Being mobile. As dramatic as it sounds... I've slowed down a lot when walking from point A to point B. It's hard to walk through narrow spaces. And just being extra careful I don't do anything to accidentally bump into things with the prego belly.
Belly Button In or Out? Out!!!
Wedding Rings On or Off? I swelled up pretty bad on Saturday night because of the heat and my rings were stuck. So I think I might just have to take them off and keep them off till after Baby is here.
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? Neutral. Not too moody but I have my moments.
Any Movement? Yes. And I have to say she totally beats me up from the inside pretty good. Sometimes it even feels like I might be going into labor.
Fun and/or Interesting Things from the Week? A very good friend of mine came over on Sunday the 27th, to bring over some gifts for Baby P #2 and to hang out and let both of our toddlers play. She also brought some food, which is always a big win with this prego lady.
Looking Forward To? Finally going on maternity leave! Wednesday 8/30/2017 I am officially on LOA. And then it's baby shower and finalizing preparations before baby's arrival. Eeeeek!!!