*Originally posted August 29, 2017 on Fab . Fit . Me*
34 Weeks
What is up with Baby P #2 this week?
Baby P now weighs about 4 3/4 lbs, is almost 18 inches long and is the size of a cantaloupe.
Her fat layers - which will help regulate her body temperature once she's born - are filling her out, making her rounder.
Her skin is also smoother than ever.
Her central nervous system and lungs are continuing to mature.
What's been happening with ME this week?
Weight Gained: Look for it in my 36 week update post!!!
Workouts: nada!
Heartburn. Major. Like I couldn't sleep at night major. No bueno.
TMI alert - constipation. Not too bad. But definitely uncomfortable.
Vaginal discharge. More than usual. Gross.
More swelling due to heat and pregnancy.
Food Aversions: sometimes I don't like the food I just finished consuming.
Food Cravings: Food from this Asian place I haven't ate at in the long time. Hubby got some for me over the weekend. And I did not enjoy it at all.
Sleep: And I am finally having trouble rolling over in bed. And getting out of bed. The belly just weighs so much now.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? Not this week.
Stretch Marks: It looks like I've gained some new ones. Can't confirm it till after Baby is here...and then I will be able to assess the damage some more.
Miss Anything?: Not waddling. Looking cute. Now I just look like a huge pregnant lady that's about to pop any day now.
Belly Button In or Out? It's never going back in, I'm afraid.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On.
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? Emotional rollercoaster ride over here! I had a brief moment the other day when I thought of my Ella Bella and immediately felt sad... she's growing up so fast and I just realized that in just a few weeks, it will no longer be just me and Ella. I know I should be happy that I'm welcoming another baby girl... but I just can't help but feel sad, too
Any Movement? Yes sir!
Fun and/or Interesting Things from the Week? Not really. Same ole same ole. Just been trying to rest up a lot. Baby P will be here pretty quick and I'm not looking forward to the sleep deprivation part of this whole thing! Looking Forward To? Our baby shower in a couple of weeks! The hubs took the reigns on this one and planned the whole thing so I wouldn't have to stress out about it. It's more of a sprinkle. We don't expect a lot of people to be there so it'll be a nice little intimate gathering to celebrate the new baby. Should be fun! Can't wait.