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Baby P #2 Bump Watch: 38 Weeks Preggers

*Originally posted September 19, 2017 on Fab . Fit . Me*

38 Weeks and still pregnant! I guess it isn't always true when people say "if your first was early, then your 2nd will be early, too." I know I still got a few days to go till I'm "full term 40 weeks" and I could still have her "early." But right now, she looks to be super content in my belly.

At my last appointment on 9/15, my midwife checked me to see if I've even dilated. And yes, my cervix has dilated 1cm and is 80% effaced. While some may think "yay, that means she'll be here soon!"...hate to break it to ya... it just really means I'm dilated 1cm with a possibility of going into labor really soon. The truth is...I could stay dilated 1cm till 40 weeks. Or I could go into labor any minute. It's all up to mother nature now. Whenever my body and Baby P wants it to happen, it will happen. I haven't felt any real contractions yet. Just the normal aches and sharp pains from Baby's movements down there.

So we continue to wait...

38 Weeks

Monster and me...

What is up with Baby P #2 this week?

  • Baby P #2 is as big as a winter melon, measuring at about 19.6 inches long and weighing about 6.8 lbs.

  • Her head is about the same circumference as the abdomen

  • She has really plumped up and has a firm grasp - which we'll soon be able to test when we hold her hand for the first time

  • Her organs have matured and are ready for life outside the womb

What's been happening with ME this week?

Weight Gained: Up 2 lbs from the last appointment. Not something any woman likes to hear but doc says its normal and Baby P and I are totally healthy. So that brings us to a total of 32-33lbs gained.

Workouts: Are you kidding me? Me? Workout? Those words don't go together. We did go to the mall over the weekend to get some new stuff to wear for Baby P's newborn photoshoot coming up soon after she's born. And, let me tell you, this belly of mine made walking that mall almost unbearable after 20 minutes. Muscles ached for days just from that walk. No joke.


  • Extreme fatigue

  • Hot flashes

  • Lightning crotch - this is a real thing, I assure you. Google it.

  • Nausea - usually after eating anything

  • Whacked out tastebuds - anything I eat leaves the worst aftertaste in my mouth AND no matter how many times I brush my teeth and tongue, I always seem to have the worst breath ever.

  • Aches and pains everywhere

  • Heartburn/acid reflux - makes for some uncomfortable sleep

  • Itchy belly...because it's so dang stretched out, it just itches like crazy!!!

Food Aversions: nothing specific

Food Cravings: Ice cream. Fried chicken. But not together.

Sleep: It was pretty damn good up until now. Insomnia kicked in right at the start of my 38th week. Can't seem to get comfortable with this watermelon belly. And also, can't seem to shut the brain off. The anxiety of going into labor again is not fun.

Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? Nothing new. I'm looking at new bows to add to Ella's old collection that Baby P #2 will inherit.

Stretch Marks: Oh don't even get me started on this one. Gone are the days of flawless abs for this mama.

Miss Anything?: Everything about being mobile!

Belly Button In or Out? What belly button?

Wedding Rings On or Off? I keep them off most of the time. I put them on when I leave the house.

Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? Happy but easily irritated if you say or do the wrong thing. For real.

Any Movement? Heck yes. There's never a dull moment with this Baby. She is ALWAYS moving.

Fun and/or Interesting Things from the Week? I think we finally settled on a name! LoL. You'll find out once we've announced Baby P's arrival. Looking Forward To? Meeting this little human of mine. But not looking forward to labor.


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