*Originally posted September 11, 2017 on Fab . Fit . Me*
I went on maternity leave at the very start of 36 weeks (August 30, 2017). I spent the first day relaxing. Fought a cold since the weekend and I just needed some time to relax. Other than that, I've been doing everything I can to prep for Baby P's arrival. Been doing a lot of laundry and cleaning. And making shopping lists. Of things I am going to need in the near future. Like more nursing bras and other postpartum supplies. All of which aren't 911 but will eventually need to be purchased in the coming weeks. One of my associates at work predicted I'd go into labor early... so I'm working on getting my hospital bag ready to go and getting Baby P's laundry washed and sorted. So much to do!!!
Anyway... let's get on with my update, shall we?
36 Weeks
At the Baby Sprinkle...
After the Baby Sprinkle with my monster...
What is up with Baby P #2 this week?
Baby P is still packing on the pounds - at the rate of about an ounce a day
She weights almost 6 lbs and is more than 18 1/2 inches long - which is about the length of a head of romaine lettuce
She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body, as well as the vernix caseosa - the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her 9-month amniotic bath
She swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture called meconium that will form the contents of her first bowel movements
What's been happening with ME this week?
Weight Gained: 5 lbs up from my last appointment 4 weeks prior. Brings us to a grand total of 30 lbs gained total from the start of this pregnancy. *sigh* I guess it's all for baby right? My midwife did advise me to limit my sugar intake though. But other than that, Baby P is lookin' good! She's already head down and in position and her heartbeat is nice and strong. Now it's just a matter of waiting.
Workouts: won't be doing anything till post baby. This SoCal heat is unbearable to really do anything. Indoors and outdoors. Not for this prego lady.
Symptoms: still the same as last week. Hasn't changed much. More exhausted? I didn't think it would be possible, but I am.
Food Aversions: Anything greasy makes my tummy turn after I eat it.
Food Cravings: Ice Cream. Probably because of this heat.
Sleep: I want more of it!!! It's been super hot at night so it sucks. I have to get up to pee like every 5 minutes it seems.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? After the baby shower, we went to pick up a few things that we'll need prior to Baby P's arrival - burp rags, wash cloths, a few bottles... whatever else we need can be bought later on after she's here. I also bought some things for myself. Nursing bras, underwear, pjs/loungewear... just the necessities since we have a lot of things already from having Ella.
Stretch Marks: I think so. Like a lot more of them.
Miss Anything?: Working out. I really do.
Belly Button In or Out? Out.
Wedding Rings On or Off? Depends on the day. Some days I puff up pretty bad. Other days I'm okay.
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? Irritable for sure. This damn heat is just too much for this prego lady to bear.
Any Movement? Yes. A lot.
Fun and/or Interesting Things from the Week? We had our baby sprinkle!!! It was small and intimate, which was fine by me. It almost didn't happen because I did not want to stress myself out with party planning. But the hubby decided to take on the responsibility of planning it for us. The main purpose of having it was to celebrate Baby P #2 (who by the way still does not have a name!).
Group Pic
The kids having a blast out back on the trampoline...
Us opening gifts!
Looking Forward To? Being able to truly relax and enjoy the time I have before Baby P #2 makes her appearance. Gonna spend as much time with my 2 year old as I can.