*Originally posted August 4, 2017 on Fab . Fit . Me*
31 Weeks
And, of course....another cute moment between mother and daughter....
What is up with Baby P #2 this week?
She is measuring over 16 inches long and weighs about 3 1/3 lbs making her about the size of a coconut and is heading into a growth spurt!
She can turn her head from side to side, and her arms, legs, and body are beginning to plump up as needed fat accumulates under her skin.
She is probably moving a lot, too, which can make sleeping a bit difficult because her kicks and somersaults may keep me up - which I don't mind because that just means Baby P is active and healthy!
What's been happening with ME this week?
Weight Gained: will give an update in the next post! Since my doc appointment happened at the start of my 32nd week
Workouts: workout? What's that?
Major drooling. Yup. Gross but true. I didn't realize it was pregnancy related but I noticed the drooling for about the last month or so? I don't usually drool but it never dawned on me that it could be pregnancy related until I saw some article about pregnancy symptoms pop up on my FB newsfeed. But yeah... makes sense. Extra saliva = drooling problems. Go figure.
Aches and pains. All over.
Pregnancy brain. It's real yo!
Cankles. Swollen because of the heat.
Frequent trips to the restroom.
Extreme fatigue.
Food Aversions: none
Food Cravings:
Nacho Cheese Doritos w/sour cream
Fried chicken. Like country fried yumminess.
Sleep: still pretty good. Even with the bathroom trips, I'm able to go right back to sleep.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? we ordered our maternity photos! Gotta say... our toddler stole the show. As far as baby stuff... will be making purchases in the weeks to come. She'll be here before we know it... we need to buy some things before that happens.
Stretch Marks: still no new ones.
Miss Anything?: just being able to get in and out of bed with ease!!! Ohhhh the simple things in life we take for granted.
Belly Button In or Out? I think after this pregnancy, it may never go back in 😂
Wedding Rings On or Off? It came off for a couple of days because the heat just made my fingers swell. But they're back on!
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? I would say it was an emotional one. Just a few issues that I can thank my raging hormones for sure. There were some tears shed. Some moments of emotional outbursts. And then even some sadness. I won't go into detail about the chain of events that led to this emotional rollercoaster ride but I think it's something that started off very early on in this pregnancy that I just tried to push to the back of my mind. And then I think the anxiety of my fast approaching due date triggered something that just sent me into a state of emotional instability... it wasn't pretty. But I'm good now.
Any Movement? Yes! Non-stop! She's definitely running out of room!
Fun and/or Interesting Things from the Week? Probably the only fun thing this week was getting to see the digital gallery of our maternity shoot and picking out our favorites! I'm looking forward to getting them in the mail so I can put them out on display!
Looking Forward To? Going shopping for this baby of mine. Even though we have a lot of things from Ella, there's still some things we need for our #2. Some people might think we don't need more stuff but I beg to differ. So I'm excited to go on a little shopping spree for this little princess.