*Originally posted July 27, 2017 on Fab . Fit . Me*
Holy cow!!! It's sooooo freaking crazy how quickly time has whizzed by. The next 10 weeks will go by even quicker, I just know it. I will be going on maternity leave at the end of August and then Baby P #2 may make her appearance as early as 2 weeks after that. Her sister definitely didn't wait till 40 weeks to come, that's for sure. It's exciting, no doubt... but I'm definitely starting to feel nervous about it all.
On to my weekly update....
30 Weeks
What is up with Baby P #2 this week?
Baby P is about 15.7 inches long and weighs almost 3 lbs - about the size of a large cabbage!
She is surrounded by a pint and a half of amniotic fluid, but will lessen as she gets bigger and takes up more space in my uterus.
Her eyesight is continuing to develop, though it's not very keen. Her eyes will be closed for a good part of the day after she is born.
When she does open them, she'll respond to changes in light but will have 20/400 vision - which means she can only make out objects a few inches from her face.
What's been happening with ME this week?
Weight Gained: I will let you know after I've had my next appointment which is set for Wednesday, August 2nd!
Workouts: Of course! Every single day at work. Some people don't think my job is physical, but it really is. This is what I do on the daily:
some strength training - lifting and moving mannequins, fixtures, and other visual elements at work. And don't worry, I'm very careful with it all!
cardio - walking up and down stairs, walking back and forth between 2 buildings (I work at a location that has 2 buildings in 1 mall). Consistently for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week.
Anything else outside of work is just "extra". And no I haven't done "extra" workouts in a hot minute.
Slight nausea
Swelling in the feet
Mild heartburn and yucky tasting burps!
The worst leg cramp ever happened the night going into my 31st week! So painful!
Food Aversions: fast food
Food Cravings: donuts
Sleep: I don't have any trouble falling asleep... but it really is starting to get very uncomfortable moving in bed especially when I want to roll over. And it's difficult getting out of bed!
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? No baby stuff yet but totally related! I bought an ottoman pouf to go with a rocker my father-in-law gave me after I had Ella. I'm planning on painting it white over the weekend and I still need to buy a 2-piece cushion for it. So I'll post up some pics of it once I'm done. I won't get the pouf until next week but here's what it looks like...
And I finally did our registry! My sister is in the process of designing my Baby Sprinkle invites so I needed to make sure I finished registering before the invites went out.
Stretch Marks: I think there's some about to appear... it's been itching just under the belly button. I've been lathering up like crazy!!!
Miss Anything?: just about everything that has to do with not being pregnant!
Belly Button In or Out? Out
Wedding Rings On or Off? On!
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? Happy as can be.
Any Movement? Heck yes! She doesn't stop. Ever!
Fun and/or Interesting Things from the Week? not a one. I've been pretty boring this week. Just enjoying every minute of free time I get with my only child till life gets even more chaotic!
Looking Forward To? The weekend! I want to continue nesting... cleaning and organizing. And I'm hoping to be able to paint my rocking chair!!!