*Originally posted July 20, 2017 on Fab . Fit . Me*
29 Weeks
See? I clean up real nice when I put forth the effort 😂. A lot of my previous pics have been taken just before bedtime because I always forget to take them. Which explains the no make-up or the 'messy hair don't care' look.
And for a bonus this week, here's a blooper shot 🤣...
What is up with Baby P #2 this week?
Baby P #2 is the size of an acorn squash, measuring 15.2 inches long and weighing about 2.5 lbs and is expected to double, almost tripling her weight in the next 11 weeks.
As more fat is deposited under skin, her wrinkled skin is smoothing out. This white fat is is different from the earlier brown fat she accumulated as a fetus. Brown fat is necessary for body temperature regulation while white fat serves as an energy source.
Also, her muscles and lungs are continuing to mature and her head is growing bigger to make from for her developing brain
To keep up with her increasing nutritional demands, I will need plenty of protein, vitamin C, folic acid, and iron.
What's been happening with ME this week?
Weight Gained: your guess is as good as mine! Not even caring about that number at this point.
Workouts: my job is my workout. Seriously.
dizziness and lightheadedness - felt like I was gonna pass out on Thursday night after working all day and then shopping till the mall closed
Leg cramps - happens when I'm trying to roll over in bed
The weight of my belly is making my balance all out of whack. I got on the escalator at work and almost fell backwards with the very little movement it made going up
Food Aversions: I don't think there were any this week.
Food Cravings:
Carne asada burrito
Crab legs
Pancakes drenched with syrup
Sleep: not a lot of it, but hey, I'm still functioning. Being a working mom of a 2 year old doesn't give me the luxury of going to bed early or sleeping in till at least 7. I'm looking forward to going on maternity leave so I can get some rest.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? None yet. Been busy nesting and getting the home ready for Baby #2. Decluttering, rearranging furniture and rooms, spring cleaning... once I'm on LOA, I need to do baby's laundry. So much to do!
Stretch Marks: nope.
Miss Anything?: simple things like being able to get up from sitting position without moaning and groaning. Or being able to bend over to pick things up off the floor without feeling like I'm gonna fall over. The belly is ginormous!
Belly Button In or Out? It's been out.
Wedding Rings On or Off? Still on!!!
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? Happy! Considering the heat and lack of sleep, I think I'm doing just fine.
Any Movement? Yes and they are starting to really hurt! Some tickle. But as she runs out room, her jabs and kicks are just hard.
Fun and/or Interesting Things from the Week? We had our maternity session on Friday the 14th out in San Dimas. Same photographer we've used in the past. Totally new location for us. We won't see the proofs for at least a week, which is fine, I'm in no hurry to order prints just yet. But we had a good time. I was hoping to get some behind the scenes pics of the session but things were different this time around with a toddler to chase down in between shots.
Here is my monster before we left for the shoot...
Here she is towards the end of the shoot... "patiently" waiting for mom to finish getting in some solo shots to end the session. Monster was already over the whole thing... she even stripped the bow out of her hair.
And then here is my monster waiting for her dinner at The Melt.
It was a pretty eventful day for all of us. Fun but exhausting!
Looking Forward To? Seeing the digital proofs of our photos! Can't wait to share those with you as well!