*Originally posted June 13, 2017 on Fab . Fit . Me*
And here we are. 24 weeks gestation and getting bigger by the day.
24 Weeks
And, of course, a shot with my monster...
What is up with Baby P #2 this week?
Baby P is definitely growing (as you can tell by my photos above). She has gained approximately 4oz since last week, probably weighing about 1 1/3 pounds
She is measuring almost a foot long - which is about the length of an ear of corn and about the size of a cantaloupe.
Her body is pretty lean but filling out proportionally and will soon start to plump up.
Her brain is also growing quickly and her taste buds are continuing to develop.
Her lungs are developing "branches" of the respiratory "tree" as well as cells that produce surfactant - a substance that will help her air sacs inflate one she is in outside of the womb and in our world.
Her see-through skin is gradually becoming more opaque and is taking on a fresh, pink glow because of the small capillaries that have recently formed.
What's been happening with ME this week?
Weight Gained: I had my doctor's appointment FINALLY and found out that I am up 15 lbs from the start of this pregnancy. Yup. 17 lbs in 24 weeks. Not bad, but I was hoping the number would be less at this point in time. I still have a ways to go, and because I was heavier at the start of this pregnancy than I was with Ella, my expected weight gain is supposed to be in the 20-25 lbs range as opposed to the 25-35 lbs range. But my doctor doesn't seem to be concerned. I just need to continue to make sure I'm making healthier choices and not just giving into my cravings.
Workouts: Lots and lots of walking. Not extracurricular type of walking. Just a lot of walking and sometimes running around at work trying to get setups done.
Symptoms: Nothing new from last week. I'm still experiencing:
mild swelling in the feet
round ligament pains - especially when I stand up from having been sitting for longer than 5 minutes
sore leg muscles (thighs especially) as my work day comes to a close which makes for some duck-like waddling.
fatigue, of course. This one will probably never go away. Ever.
Food Aversions: none
Food Cravings: I am obsessed with sweets. I'm trying not to over indulge but sometimes I just can't help it! I've had Jamba Juice, ice cream...junk food, you name it. So bad.
Sleep: pretty darn good. I'm usually a side sleeper but for some reason, I sleep most comfortably on my back... which I shouldn't be doing this late in my pregnancy. I may have to go back to sleeping with my pregnancy pillow again. I had used it early on but because it's so big and bulky, I stopped for a bit. But I think I may need to start use it again so I stay off my back when I'm sleeping.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? Can you believe I haven't splurged yet? I'm quite proud of myself, actually. Maybe in the coming weeks though. Hubby is pretty much done with school and Ella will be off to spend a couple of weeks with Grandma so we'll have time to do some major financial damage.
Stretch Marks: No new ones yet. Belly hasn't started to itch yet either so maybe we're good for now. If I get any bigger, I'm sure they'll start to appear...
Miss Anything?: At this point, I've learned to just deal with being very pregnant. I'm by no means complaining about it at all. But thinking about fitting into skinny clothes again or working out or anything about my pre-baby/pregnancy life just seems like a waste of energy so I'm just living in the moment. Taking it all one day at a time.
Belly Button In or Out? Definitely still out.
Wedding Rings On or Off? Definitely still on.
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? Depends on who you're asking. If you're asking me, I will definitely say I'm happy!!! But if you ask my team at work and especially the hubby, they will probably tell you I'm moody. Let's just say I'm very hormonal this 2nd time around. Maybe because I've already been pregnant so I'm not so fascinated with the changes as much as the 1st time. And I just seem to get annoyed pretty easily.
Any Movement? Yup. She's probably more active than Ella. I hate to say it, but I'm gonna really have to figure out how I'm gonna be able to keep up with these 2 girls as they grow up and this mama gets old and frail.
Fun and/or Interesting Things from the Week? Nesting! Well, starting to nest. We went through our storage of crap that we've accumulated for the past 15+ years and got rid of some stuff. Stuff that I hadn't sorted through since I was in college. And we were able to sort of sort through Ella's baby gear that she hasn't used since forever which, by the way, Ella enjoyed. She wanted to play with everything we brought out. Things that she hated as a baby, she seemed to really love now. It was cute.
Ella this weekend...
Ella at 9 months old when she hated being in her walker
And then we also took Ella to "movie night" at the Park in the City of Rialto where her daddy grew up. They were screening Moana and we thought we would take advantage of the nice weather and opportunity for more family time with cousins, aunts, uncles, and great grandma. Ella, I think, enjoyed the pre-show activities more than the movie itself, but overall, it was a fun time.
*Click arrow to see more photos*
Looking Forward To? Nesting some more. Splurging on some new baby stuff. And shopping for myself. I need some new clothes.