*Originally posted May 28, 2017 on Fab . Fit . Me*
This one was a very trying week for this mama. Which explains why my last post was super late. Just as I entered into the 21st week, my toddler came down with a cold. A really bad one. Usually Ella handles her colds and fevers like a champ. And in the beginning of it, she was still her happy energetic self. But Wednesday night, she kept me up because she just could not get comfortable enough to sleep well through the night. I can't even remember how much sleep we got. It was just not a good one. Same thing again Thursday night. To top it off, hubby was leaving early Friday morning to Sacramento for the weekend because of work. So I was left to care for a sick child (doctor visits and all) all by myself. Turns out Ella had an ear infection. Yay me. Single parenting was not easy. But we survived, thank God. And Ella is feeling so much better now.
Alright... so on with my weekly update! I apologize for the homely look in this week's pic. Lack of sleep (total flashbacks of Ella's newborn days!!!) makes for unflattering photos. I really don't always look like a hot mess.
21 Weeks
What is up with Baby P #2 this week?
Baby P is 10 1/2 inches long and weighs 11 to 12.5 ounces - she's about the size of a large carrot 🥕!!!
She's got a great deal of room in my womb which leaves plenty of space for her to twist, turn, and do somersaults.
Her tastebuds are also developing. Because she's starting to swallow amniotic fluid, there's a good chance that she is able to taste all the flavors I've been consuming!
Her arms and legs are finally in proportion, neurons are connected between the brain and muscles giving baby more control over limb movements - which explains all the kicking, stretching, and bodysurfing she's been doin'.
What's been happening with ME this week?
Weight Gained: I'll know for sure in a couple of weeks when I go to my next prenatal appointment with my OB/GYN. I'm hoping for a healthy weight gain... but with Ella being sick over the weekend, my eating habits haven't been the greatest. Take out food was my bff and not being able to go grocery shopping prior to the beginning of the work week made for more eating out type of lunches for me. So we'll see.
Workouts: I know you probably think I should just permanently omit this question from my updates, but I'll have you know that I've been incorporating some air squats in the evenings before bed time. 100 squats to be exact. 20 reps, 5 times. Yup. No joke.
Some dry, itchy skin... mostly on my back (especially around the bra line). Lotion and cocoa butter has been a must
Still get winded when climbing stairs
Minor swelling after a long day of work
Bathroom breaks every 30 minutes I swear
Achy legs (hamstrings) which is why I started doing squats. It helps alleviate the pain since it's hard for me to do some really good stretches now
Food Aversions: none I can think of
Food Cravings: Anything sweet. I had a training to go to this week and I totally raided all the chocolate they left for us on the table to snack on. No shame here!
Sleep: Still pretty good!!!
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases? None yet. But soon!!!
Stretch Marks: No... I hope it stays that way!!!
Miss Anything?: Being back in the gym. When I hear people talk about going to the gym, I start feeling a bit envious. I know I could totally go to the gym, too... but with my busy schedule, I really don't have the energy to pull it off at the moment. I'm already planning on getting back into a gym once I'm given the ok by doc after I've popped this baby out.
Belly Button In or Out? Neither in or out. Except for the dark mark on my belly, it's as if I don't even have one.
Wedding Rings On or Off? Still on! Hoping these babies won't have to come off.
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? I was a bit emotional for sure, especially with Ella being sick. I had a small anxiety attack when my hubby left for his trip, wondering if I would be able to handle caring for our baby all by myself. This wasn't the first time he was going out of town or the first time Ella was sick... but this was definitely the first time it happened at the same time and I was doing it all alone.
Any Movement? Heck yes. This one's a super active one for sure.
Fun and/or Interesting Things From The Week: ok so I have to apologize but for some odd reason, this question was not included in all my previous posts. I'm sure there are a lot of other questions I might have forgotten but I'll make sure to include this one in all future posts.
With that said....was there anything fun or interesting that happened during this week? Hmmm.... none that I can think of. Maybe that's why I left it out? 😂
Anyway if you haven't already noticed, I kinda lead a boring life. I'm not complaining though! It's just not very eventful for me just yet. This summer, once the hubby is done with school, I'm sure there will be a few stories to tell here and there. So look forward to some cool stories!
Looking Forward To? Having a relaxing Memorial Day weekend and hopefully finally booking a date for our maternity shoot! I'm hoping for a July date. I'll keep you posted!