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Baby P #2 Bump Watch: 20 Weeks Preggers

*Originally posted May 27, 2017 on Fab . Fit . Me*

And we are halfway through this pregnancy!!! It's weird because it feels like it flew by but at the same time, it feels like time is just chugging along. But whatever, it's an awesome feeling to know we're halfway there!

So I had my 20 week anatomy scan this week! You know, the one where they take an extensive look at Baby P to see how she's developing. And the tech reconfirmed that Baby P is still, in fact, a girl 😬.

20 Weeks

What is up with Baby P #2 this week?

  • Baby P is the size of a banana 🍌!!! She weighs about 10.2 ounces and measuring about 6.5 inches from crown to rump

  • She's swallowing more - good practice for digestion!!!

  • And her body is producing meconium - the yucky black sticky substance byproduct of digestion. This will accumulate in her bowels until her first poop once outside of the womb!

What's been happening with ME this week?

Weight Gained: I'd like to say I'm gaining my slow and steady weight... but I really have no clue. Because my 20 week doc appointment was only for the ultrasound, I did not have to weigh in or have my vitals taken.

Workouts: not a damn one lol


  • Mom/pregnancy brain

  • Migraine (usually on Mondays when I'm back at work)

  • Super hungry

  • Super exhausted

  • A little swelling

  • Shortage of breath - yup, can't walk up a short flight of stairs without huffing and puffing

Food Aversions: none that I can remember.

Food Cravings: Just one thing. Soda. And I caved in. 😩

Sleep: still pretty good. I get up to go pee about 2x in my 6-7 hour slumber. Sometimes 3x. But I'm able to go right back to sleep.

Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases?Window shopping online for more maternity clothes. Summer is right around the corner... I need more dresses!

Stretch Marks: just the little old ones.

Miss Anything?: don't even get me started on this one. I miss everything about not being pregnant... so I'm definitely looking forward to postpartum me.

Belly Button In or Out? Still in. But not by much.

Wedding Rings On or Off? They're still on!

Happy or Moody Most Of The Time? Nobody got on my nerves this week so I say Happy 😊!!!

Any Movement? Hellz yeah. I think this one will be just like her big sister. And if that is so, I will be in BIG trouble. I'm gonna need the energy.

Looking Forward To? My next prenatal appointment. Because I'm super curious to know exactly how much I've gained so far.


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